Rabu, 04 Maret 2009


Did you know that if your life was not changing, you would not exist?

Our life and everything in it is continually changing, because our life is made of energy. Energy can only exist if it is in motion and changing. If energy stopped being in motion, our entire Universe and all Life would vanish. Our lives are also energy, and therefore they too must always be in motion and continue to change. You cannot stop the motion and change in your life, and nor would you want to. The changing nature of energy gives us Life. It causes Life to grow and causes us to grow.

And yet when there is a big change of energy which affects our lives, we often label it as bad, and cause ourselves sorrow, pain, and suffering by resisting the change. But you always have a choice.
In the Universe there is never just one way. You are never trapped with no way out, no matter what has occurred. There are two paths available to you in every circumstance and moment in your life. The two paths are the positive and the negative, and YOU are the one who chooses which path you will take
You have the power to transform negative change into positive, but you cannot do it by resisting the change. Resisting the change is focusing on the negative and it is choosing the negative path, which brings with it even more negativity, more pain, and misery.

To transform the negative into positive, you must choose the positive path and command that this changing energy transforms into millions of blessings that pour down on you and everyone involved. Command the changing energy to bring unlimited good and positivity. Know and believe in your heart that as you command it, it must be done.

And then the day will come in the not too distant future, when you will look back and see all the blessings that you brought into this world through you and change.

11 komentar:

  1. betul sekali beb...
    ya sesuai aja sama ayat qur'an surat Ar-Ra'du 11 yang kurang lebih isinya sama, bahwa tuhan tidak akan mengubah keadaan suatu kaum apabila mereka tidak merubahnya sendiri.
    berarti biar energinya bagus sama bnyak harus banyak makan ya beb???
    hehehehehehe.... dasar evan tukang makan hahaha...

  2. harus serasi dan mendukung lingkungan sekitar juga...

  3. setuju ma evan, btw makannya da enak gitu? kan yu hav prablem with yor tith

  4. cangsyup.. daripada make energi buat yang negativ mending yang positif I like that..
    Manusia mati meninggalkan nama kan..?
    nah kalo nama baik itu artinya * I choose postif :-)*

  5. pokoke.... sellalu + tingking...

  6. Hhh....Sedihnye....aye kagak gape bahase bule.....,

    Belajar ah....IKutan kursus, biar bisa cas-cis-cus......

  7. Thank you for writing this article. After reading everything, I get the benefit.


  8. mangnya ranie sering negatif tinking yah......

  9. wew...in English...Udah Lupa Bahasa Ibu kayanya Saya...hehe...*Minta Dijitak.
    Salam kenal...Maen2 k'Blog Butut Saya...hehe...Peace...

    C H A L I E F O R E V E R

  10. walopun saya agak2 dodol berbahasa Inggris
    saya cuman mau bilang
    Good bye Negative, Be a positive

    Eh kita gak lagi ngomongin arus listrik kan??

  11. You are what you think..
    Jadi kalo mikirin positif terus, hasilnya pasti pasitif.
    Nice information.. berguna banget
